Super useful and jank to write. Does not work if the target CSS is outside a container of the source.
Hover to this orange square to reveal something below the barrier.
I like cats.
Technically a "script" but we divinitely don't talk about that.
This is the content
Much barrier, so wow. This is the power of "~"
Checkbox is a winbox in these scenario. No need to code "hide A if B is XYZ", if that even possible with CSS."
Click on these colors!
Essence that has been solidified can be treated as a portable natural essence bank. This isn't actually efficient as extracting the essence from the "gem" extort energy from the user. Similar on how fire burn wood to turn it into charcoal. It feels efficient to use, but the creation of it does balance out into negative.
Sail has soared, wind has roared. The ship has once again surf the mighty ocean in search of glory. Day by day, the wave erodes her deck. With humanity help, she can endure these obstacle without risk of breaking down. Such beauty of engineering shall bring her to the enchanted land she sought after.
Once upon a time, there's a lady who stumbled across a giant pool of water. Seemingly enchanted by it, the lady took a sip of the water. To this day, there has been no clue on that lady whereabouts. The pool of water, however, still exist. Yet no one has been tragically went missing since then.
`label` target seems to work even if it's outside the container. CSS "checked" targetting, however, doesn't work outside of the container nor previous object. Combinator CSS limitation pretty much.
Luckily what matter the most is that the (currently hidden) "input" checkbox is written before their target. The "First" option above work because the checkbox is outside of it, while the 2nd and 3rd "input" checkbox is inside of the other entry.
With that said. Put the checkbox/radio + class identifier code at outside (ex: the beginning of body) if you want to use this method to paint over multiple thing.